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Getting Snacked Out For The Super Bowl
We like snacks as much as the next guy, but diorama snacks? Yes please! (Ehhhhhh, Geoff Snack?)

Let’s face it, even if you don’t know the first thing about football, the Super Bowl is inevitably entertaining – if it’s not the star-studded half-time shows, then it’s the ads. But if it’s neither of those, then surely it’s that Super Bowl Sunday comes with an excuse to openly feast on snacks that we’d otherwise not want to admit to eating (like chicken wings!!!!).…Enter the Super Bowl Snack Stadium – a mock stadium made entirely of snacks. And if you choose to create one, it will obviously result in yours being the most talked about Super Bowl party around the water cooler on Monday morning.

When ‘snack stadium’ is typed into a Google image search, rows upon rows of ambitious snack creations appear. After completing sufficient research on the topic, I have discovered that most begin with a foil pan filled with a variety of dips. Popular selections include guacamole, salsa and nacho cheese dip. Guacamole is generally used in the middle, to replicate the green field, and salsa and nacho cheese on either side of the guacamole, replicating the end zones. Consider also: spinach dip, hummus, bean dip, tzatziki, baba ghanoush, whatever appeals to your tastes and those of your football-loving friends. If you’d like to create players on the field, you can insert pieces of pepperoni sticks, cocktail wieners or black olives into the dip.

While many of the snack stadiums I’ve seen use Twinkies for the outer perimeter, I personally don’t think Twinkies have any place at a Super Bowl party. In my humble opinion, sandwiches are much more appropriate for the outer perimeter, fitting in with the Super Bowl theme, tenfold. Alternatively, slices of baguette could be used, or if you want to go the sweet-treat route–Rice Krispie squares or brownies would work.

When the outer perimeter is in place, and the foil pan of dips is in the centre, all that’s left to do is to fill the empty space with an assortment of chips, party mix, Cheezies, popcorn, pretzels, crackers and vegetable sticks (you know, to keep it healthy).

Now, who’s playing on Sunday?

Dominique knows a lot about food and writes about it for Toronto Standard. Follow her on Twitter at @domlamberton.

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