July 7, 2024
June 21, 2015
#apps4TO Kicks Off + the week in TO innovation and biz:
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June 18, 2015
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October 30, 2014
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John Tory gets a parody Twitter account
Best Thing on the Internet Today: Texts from Bennett
Example: "U Don't know what lasanya is??? it is a italian dish thats like a pie of pasta and argue sauce.."

When something funny on the internet might also be fake, I’m magnetized. I found the whole debacle surrounding whether or not @oldmansearch was a fake to be super-entertaining; with a little deductive logic, you’d realize that no, 81-year-old dad “Norman N.” would never use Twitter as his search engine, because Twitter would never yield him any search results.

Texts from Bennett is making me feel the same way. It’s like Damn You Auto Correct!Aziz Ansari’s cousin Darwish, and It’s So Cold in the D made a pie and when they opened the oven, cousin Bennett was sitting there, gat in hand.

I’ve got some ideas about why it’s real:
1) Bennett’s hijinks are hilariously situational, making them seem close to real life (like, how he filled a girl’s car with water because she was laughing loud).
2) The blog’s author seems sincere in his insistence that he’s being truthful, i.e. “He has no idea I do this blog.”

But, it’s probably fake:
1) The following image, allegedly of Bennett (which has since been removed from the site), is completely insane and cannot be real.

2) The consistency in misspelling on the part of Bennett seems too contrived–who misspells “salmon” as “sammon” and “buffet” as “buffay”, really?

Even more mysterious is why Bennett’s cousin’s phone always shows up as having more than 100 unread text messages. I propose a separate investigation.

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